Thursday, November 12, 2009

18 Weeks

No belly picture this time because I pretty much look the same.  Actually today I am closer to 19 weeks but I figured I would write a few things. 
Last Friday I went and got the H1N1 vaccine.  I was a little nervous but it was less painful than the regular flu shot.  I am hoping that it was a good decision but I am pretty sure it was.  I really don't want to get the Swine Flu and especially while pregnant.  My parents thought I should get vaccinated and my mom actually got one as well (since she is a nurse) so I figured if she would get one, I would.

I have been feeling pretty good.  Last week I had some Round Ligament Pain which was just that...pain.  But I'm not feeling it anymore.  Russel and I have been on a baking/buying of sweets binge.  We made pumpkin bread, banana bread, a german chocolate cake, and we bought some peanut butter cookies.  The baby is eating way too much sugar but the good thing is I am also craving milk.  We have been going through gallons of milk but I know I am getting my calcium.

The biggest news is that in 6 days (November 18th) we get to have our ultrasound.  We are very excited to actually see a picture of the baby, and see it moving around.  I know most importantly we want to make sure that everything is ok and our baby is healthy but we are SUPER excited to find out the sex.  We both want a girl and so does quite a few people in our family but I know that we will be happy no matter what.  I just want to give the baby a gender and stop calling it "it".  I have been going crazy counting down the days till this appointment and I am happy that is less than a week away.  The only bad thing is that the appointment is at 2:30pm.  In order for Russel to come with and not miss a day of work we have to wait till the afternoon.  Usually my appointments are early because I can't wait but I have no choice.  I just know I am going to be impatiently waiting around all day.  We will let everyone know what it is but the final name will be kept secret.  I will probably list some names eventually to get some opinions but no one but us will know for sure what it will end up being.

Lastly, I just wanted to let everyone know (but not to force you)  that you can make comments on these blogs even if you don't have a google account.  You just click on "comments" and then type your comment in the "leave your comment" box.  Then you just need to look down furthur beneath that and click the dot next to Name/URL.  Then all you have to type is your name and then click "publish your comment".  (You don't need a URL)  I know that some people were wondering about that.

1 comment:

Katie Kovar said...

Tomorrow is the big day! Oh how exciting! I would have the car running ready to go so when Russel get's home you can just fly! Your going to find out the sex! I can't wait! I truly believe it's going to be a girl! Just a hunch. So happy for the both of you. Good luck tomorrow!