Thursday, March 11, 2010

35 Weeks!

Technically I am 35 weeks and 3 days, so that means only 33 days left until my due date.  I am still convinced I will go earlier than my due date.  Like I have probably mentioned before, they will give me until my due date to go into labor naturally and then if he doesn't come by then I will be induced.  With the Gestational Diabetes they don't want to wait.  But all of that is also depending on my Ultrasound next Wednesday.  On St. Patricks Day I have my 36 week appointment which include being tested for Group B Strep (which doesn't harm me but can harm the baby during birth so I would have to be on antibiotics), I will register with Labor & Delivery, and talk about a Birth Plan.  Then I will have my growth Ultrasound where they will check the size/weight of the baby as accurately as they can and then we will be meeting with my Doctor afterwards to talk about it.  Of course if he is measuring too large then I will be induced early.  I am hoping I start naturally before my due date.  Even though we have already had an ultrasound I am nervous about this one.  Still hoping everything will look good and normal like before.  After that appointment I will go to the doctor weekly for checkups.  But I will only have 3 1/2 weeks left by then so there will not be many! 

The Diabetes is still a pain but I'm getting used to it mostly.  It sucks always wanting the food I can't have and my breakfast and lunch are almost always the same thing every day, but my nurse/diabetic educator says I don't need insulin for sure and instead of going to meet her all the time I call her with my blood sugar levels so I don't get charged for a visit.  I meet her on the 19th and I am hoping that is the last time I ever have to see her and I will be back to eating normal as soon as I give birth.  My first week of eating after having him is going to filled with really bad food but then I will get back on track since I have to be in a wedding in June!  So far total this pregnancy I have gained only about 20-23 lbs.  They say I shouldn't gain too much more but women usually gain about 1 lb a week in the last month.  I have been pretty lucky that the weight is really only in my frontal area. :)

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