Thursday, February 18, 2010

32 Weeks!

Only 8 weeks left and I really can't wait.  The gestational diabetes diet is killing me.  I pretty  much can't have everything I like.  Not a lot of carbs, pasta, bread, fruit, milk, yogurt, ice cream, french fries.  I really am not a meat person and that's one of the things I can eat a lot of so that makes things even worse.  I just can't wait until I can eat what I want again.  I know it won't be more than 8 weeks because my doctor told me because of the GD I won't be going more than a few days over my due date.  I am schedule for an unltrasound at my 36 week appointment March 17th to check his growth and make sure he isn't too big.  If he is I will probably get induced earlier.

I have met with a dietician (and I don't plan on going back) to get my diet going but I don't see any point on going back to see her because it's expensive and she already told me what to eat and what not to eat.  I have also went to the Diabetic Education/Endocrinology/Nurse Practitioner quite a few times.  She is also very expensive!  But she is the one monitoring my blood sugar levels and they seem to be getting better with the diet. However if they don't get more stable I will have to go on insulin shots.  I am really hoping I don't have to.

On February 6th I had my first baby shower thrown by Russel's mom. It was fun, saw a lot of people and plus got a lot of great things.  I plan on posting a few pictures of that after my other shower this weekend in Eau Claire.  Also we found out that lied to us about the bedding.  We had a ship date and when we didn't recieve it Russel called and the guy said they had it already and they just needed to ship it.  So we waited and then Russel called again and found out the other guy had lied.  They didn't have it at all.  So Russel found out that they should be recieving it by the end of this month and even emailed the manufacturers.  They also said it would be available by the end of the month and they had been having production difficulties.  It is just getting so frustrating having ordered the bedding November 20th and we still don't have it at the end of February.  I told Russel if we don't have it by the middle of March we are just going to give up for good and find something else. 

Well this is my 32 week belly picture.  It's definitely a basketball.  I feel like it has already gotten bigger from the time this picture was taken.  Throughout my pregnancy I haven't really gotten any comments from strangers about it until last week.  Now I have gotten them everyday I  have worked.  One guy told me to lay off the dog biscuits because they are making me bloated (he thought he was very funny), and one lady didn't even ask me when I was due/if I was pregnant, she just yelled "your having a baby!".  Like I didn't know.  Oh well.  It's kind of funny and as long as strangers aren't touching my belly I will deal with it.

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