Sunday, September 5, 2010

5 Months Old!

Today is Mason's 5 month birthday!  Only one more month he will be a half a year old!  He has changed so much.  Since the last time I posted he has done a lot of new things.  At the end of July Mason had his first full weekend away from Mom & Dad.  One night he stayed with Grandma Dawn and the other nigh with Bapa & Mama P.  Russel & I went to Milwaukee for a Brewer game which was Russels Father's Day gift and then went to GermanFest with my two friends Danielle and Maka.  My birthday was that Sunday so it was also a little celebration.  It was a lot of fun but we missed Mason for sure!

Now that Mason has gotten older he actually plays and appreciates his toys.  That is a big relief for me because now he can be distracted and entertained.  He can crab them and throw them and he trys to eat all of them.  He still plays on his playmat a lot but now he also has a jumperoo that he has quite learned how to completly play with yet and also he likes just to lay on a blanket with toys around him and move around.  I still try to do tummy time once a day but he still doesn't like it but does so much better.  If he is in a good enough mood he will hold his head and shoulder up and look around.  But sometimes he refuses to do that and just buries his head in the blanket.  He doesn't understand that in order to start crawling you have to be on your tummy!  He has rolled over only twice now but the Pediatrician isn't worried and I am not either.  Once was his stomach to back but just the other night it was his back to stomach.  He has been working on that for a while and just laying on his side twisting but of course right when Russel & I look away and then we look back he is on his tummy!  Oh well. 

Mason still just loves to stand.  We always have to hold him but he can't get enough and usually smiles away when he is standing.  Mason now hates to held like a baby.  If he lays like that he knows two things around to happen:  he is going to get fed so gets inpatient or we are going to try to put him to sleep/nap and he knows it and just starts fussing right away.  So he is always sitting up on our laps or playing. 

A few random things about Mason - 
Bedtime:  still mostly sleeping through the night for about 10-11 hours.  A few nights he has woken up but all I had to do was give him his paci and he goes back to sleep.  Some days he naps great and others he barely naps but he usually always goes back to bed for an hour or so after waking up around 7-8am to eat.
First sickness:  I feel like I jinxed Mason here.  The weekend we were in Milwaukee Maka's brother asked if Mason had been sick at all and I said nope...almost 4 months and never been sick!  Well that Monday he got sick for the first time.  It only lasted two days and never had a fever or went to the doctor but he was conjested, stuffy nose, and just fussy.  The first night he got up a few times to fuss/eat, and the second night he had to sleep with me in bed otherwise he wouldn't sleep.  He just kept waking up and crying every half hour or so and just sounded horribly stuffy.  The next two nights after being sick he adjusted to his sleep schedule again and woke up at 4 am to eat but has since been back to normal.
Pictures:  Tomorrow Mason is having his first professional pictures done at Target.  It was a great deal!  No sitting fee, no obligation to buy anything, 50% off everything I do buy, and a free 8X10!
Talking:  Mason looooves to talk.  He is frequently making noise and letting you know he is there.  For a week he was squealing all the time!  When he was happy/sad/hungry/tired.  He finally stopped which I am very thankful for! 
Doctors:  He recently had his 4 month doctor appointment and had more shots.  One less than last time and this time he did so great!  He had one in each leg and then an oral vaccine.  He was hungry so the oral vaccine wasn't too hard to do but he wasn't to sure about it.  Then the leg shots and he cried for like a second and then he was done.  Right after he got some grape medicine from Mom and then got to eat his bottle so I think that helped him be distracted.  He was sleepy that day but not too fussy or uncomfortable.  He weighed in at 16 lbs 10 ounces!!! and was 25 inches long.  I can't believe how big he is!
Eating:  Finally Mason has started solid foods.  We did the rice cereal a few times but then moved on to better things.  (But we are going back to cereal in the morning and a veggie/fruit at night because he needs the iron)  He has had Bananas, Prunes, Sweet Potatoes, Peaches, Green Beans, Squash, Peas, Pears, and Apples.  Today we are doing the last stage 1 food of Carrots.  Then we are sticking to Stage 1 for a while and just having him eat solids 2 times a day)  He appears to loves the Squash, Sweet Potatoes, and the Prunes.  The prunes smell disgusting but he loved them!  He hated the Peas so we are trying again but he wouldn't eat more than a few bites.  I think it is the consistancy.  I know some people (especially now a days) aren't starting their baby on solids till 6 months but Mason really needed it.  Our doctor said it was fine and he is so interested in what we eat.  Plus he eats it so well with limited mess (hardly any spitting it out).  Well soon he will start on stage 2 foods and hard to believe he will start finger foods in a few months.  He used to suck on his hands but now he has been starting "chewing" on them and all his toys.

Well I wrote a lot but there was a lot to say!  I will post the professional pics once we get them!!!!

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