Tuesday, May 25, 2010

7 Weeks!

Well yesterday Mason turned 7 weeks old.  Amazing how fast that goes.  I am sorry that I don't really update but it is really hard to do nowadays.  Some days Mason is really good during the day and will nap in his bouncer or crib for a few hours.  Otherdays he will only nap in my arms.  If I try to put him down even just to go to the bathroom and he is crying.  Today is one of those days but Russel just got home.  I do still get on the computer when I am holding him but I can only type with one hand then. 

Things are going pretty good.  During the day like I said is 50/50.  Some days good some not so good.  He mostly sits in his bouncer and looks around, we go on walks or car rides (which he loves), and a few times I have shown him and read him some baby books.  There are two books that are for colors and numbers and I read it to him in English and then repeat the colors and numbers in German as well. 

Around supper time and the time Russel gets home he is either eating and about to nap or still napping so things go smoothly then but then we hit 7pm and it is fussy time.  I would say that Mason is borderline colicky.  It isn't constant crying but constant fussiniess.  Eating, his pacifier, rocking, walking doesn't really help.  He sometimes calms down when I hold him close sideways with his paci and "shush" him.  Other than that we just have to deal with it.  It can be pretty frustrating.  Sometimes he gets a bath or shower and that can help.  He actually has never really cried during a bath or shower. He doesn't love them but just sits there.  He hates his head being washed the most.

Around 9-10pm he usually will take his last bottle and take anywhere 1/2 an hour to an hour to fall asleep.  Then he will pretty much sleep anywhere until 4:30-5:30.  Then he eats and goes back to sleep till 8:30-9:00.  I would consider us lucky in that department.  I think it is when we switch up his schedule that it changes.  When I stayed in Tomah he woke up at 2am and 6am which he usually doesn't do anymore.  Also during the end of the morning feeding he will drift off to sleep so it is easy but every once in a while (and what he used to do weeks 3-6) is be up for an hour to two hours after he eats.  Those times were the hardest.  One morning he was up for 2 1/2 hours and Russel woke up and I was crying so he woke up and toke him to the living room so I could sleep.  I was so grateful.  When Russel isn't working at 6 and he works at 7 he will get up and do the morning feeding so I get to sleep longer.

Well on June 7th we go in for his 2 month appointment so that means shots for the poor guy.  I am not looking forward to a crabby and in pain baby.  Plus I am sad he will be in pain.  Hopefully I will update around then.  Here are some pictures of him and the facebook link for more.  I keep adding to this one album and will for a bit longer.

First up - his one month birthday picture

Other pictures include getting a kiss from his cousin Gabe, meeting his 2nd cousin Ally for the first time, meeting his friend Tyler Coenen (where I caught a smile - while sleeping), looking at his doggie and riding his doggie like a horse!  haha.

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